
Thursday, February 23, 2006


We've all heard (or at least all of us who have watched 'Pirates of the Caribbean') of the sailor term "Davy Jones Locker." But I ask you..... who is this Davy Jones? Some long lost ancestor of Dustin's perhaps? Perhaps not?

I took my Kent-style investigative reporting and came up with some interesting possibilities of which I pose to you, dear friends, which do you think is the more likely scenario? Or do you have a theory of your own?

1)One legend suggests that a particularly fiendish pub owner named David Jones used to incapacitate hapless drinkers in his ale locker, and send them off aboard ships. Sounds like a handy way of disposing of your enemies.

2)Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable offers an interesting linguistic take on the issue: Davy is a (sorry no other word seems to fit here) bastardization of Duffy, the West Indian term for ghost. Jones comes from Jonah, the prophet who spent a few uncomfortable days lodged in the GI tract of a whale. And a locker, loosely defined, is a place to store valuable things. So the phrase "He's gone to Davy Jones' locker" (i.e., he cashed it in) loosely translates as "He's safe with Duffy Jonah now."

3) Duffer Jones was a notoriously myopic sailor who often found himself overboard.

4) Davy could also come from the horned one himself, the Devil.

5) The shortest sailor on board usually impersonates him during the Crossing of the Line, a bizarre naval cross-dressing ceremony. The less said, the better.

Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest premieres July 7, 2006.... can you say YOUTH GROUP TRIP!!! oops... I said that a little loud I meant to say...youth group TRIP TO THE MOVIES!!!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

As we grow up....

ok... I'm a little embarrassed that I've done this.... and I'm probably going to beat myself up later on for posting this. But I'm going to hurry and do it before I change my mind (kinda like deciding to rip tape off your eyebrow really fast... ask a brother or sister of Zion about that one). Anyway, tonight I joined the millions of other auctionees by getting an ebay account. I bought something I was searching for to give to a close friend... and then I decided to look up all the stuff listed for Superman! There is some really cool stuff out there... but this one thing in particular caught my eye.... it was a solid white little infant jumpsuit with just the Superman logo on the front of it. I couldn't resist! It brought a tear to my eye just thinking about it! I know I'm a long way from having something I can put into this article of clothing.... but it's a nice dream.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The P's from Forestdale

Back by popular demand... a new post! Ok..... I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by this post because I don't mean it to, but I feel it neccessary to commend a certain group of three. I don't know how many of you invite the P's of Forestdale to your birthday party..... BUT YOU SHOULD!! They truely learn you inside and out and give presents accordingly. I mean really!! I don't remember which year but one birthday they gave me an Alabama toilet seat cover..... think about it..... how many of you would give an 18/19 year old A TOILET SEAT and think that he might like it (and not only did I like it... I loved it sooo much I had to go with graham and install it immediately... IT WAS AN ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE TOILET SEAT YALL.... COME ON...THAT'S AWESOME!!)? I was so sure that nothing would ever top that.... boy was I ever wrong! There is now a book (yes I said "book") beside my bed that has not seen a nights rest since it arrived in this household... I liken it to an encyclopedia.... but an encyclopedia of SUPERMAN!!!!! This book lists geography sites of intrest on the former planet Krypton, Krypton's major cities, a breif history of Krypton and the House of "El", a history of the Kent family, a map of Smallville, a run-down of ALL Superman's abilities, a map of Metropolis, and run-down of Superman's greatest villans and their defeat, a timeline of his comic book debuts and firsts, and soo much more that I almost hate that I'm not going to list ALL that it has!!! Many kudos out to the P's!!