
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Confounded MACHINES!!

Brian gets home from soccer and school late this afternoon.... we are putting a small load of clothes into the washing machine; now you have to understand... this is the most freakin' complicated washing machine in the world!! At Alabama we had 3 settings for our washing machines: whites, colors, and darks; our washing machine has stuff like: regular, light, permanent press, delicate, soak, and heavy duty..... what the crap!!! It was hilarious as we decided "yeah I think that is a reasonable amount of detergent"... then as we assessed how much we had in the machine...we called Laurel (mom is working a clinical tonight). Laurel tells us "permanent press"... so we thank her and turn the nob over that way, pull the handle out towards us, and this thing makes some weird sound that neither of us like very much. Brian then informs me "well, I see mom put it on this" we turn over there and pull the nob out... completely different sound that we really don't like!! Judgement call time again.... we then just turn the nob and activate the machine until it makes a sound we recognize and like!! It was awesome.... we felt like Lewis and Clark... pioneers, adventurers, explorers taming the wild and confusing unknown!!


At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man...y'all need to get out more.

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Androphenese said...

i'm likin the "about you" description.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger BirdTrainer said...

Boys, boys, boys

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Table of Stone said...

I love that you guys just washed clothes based on sound. I mean really who needs all that seperate by colors decide on temp of water and that other setting we dont understand. Just turn knobs until it sounds right...perfect.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Cal-el of Krypton said...

The best part about this is... everything came out perrrrfect!!

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Owl of the Desert said...

That is too funny. I'm proud of you guys...washin clothes and all. It will come in handy.

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

How hilarious.

And let me just help you out....

There are 2 things you do...always put it on regular, always put it on cold and you will have no problems. I don't mess wiht perm press or anythign of that new age sorcery.

And just seperate colors from whites, no further seperation needed, no matter how much Sis. Doris says.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger fa-so-la-la said...

Oh dear. No comment seems possible.

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Gracie said...


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Reya said...

Dude, tell me about it. I have the hardest time when i have to wash my clothes. C ya this weekend

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Cal-el of Krypton said...

DON'T DRY YOUR CLOTHES FOR THE WHOLE PRE-PAID TIME!!! You'll begin to think you're hitting another growth spurt and actually shrink ALL your clothes down to beyond wearable!!

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey as long as you don't put them on the "crispy" setting your good.


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